Tandem take great pride in supporting the continuing professional development of our people. Since 2017, Tandem has been recognised by Engineers Ireland for the quality of, and commitment to continuous professional development systems and practices for our staff. Following our re-accreditation audit in December 2019, we are delighted to announce that we have received the maximum award duration of three years.
According to Engineers Ireland Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the systematic maintenance, enhancement and development of knowledge and skill, and the development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional and technical duties, it is the process of lifelong learning.
Tandem see the benefits of our CPD programme in very real terms of staff retention, bringing the most up to date expertise to our clients, thought leadership from within, innovation and continued strong relationships with our clients.
One of the strengths of our CPD Committee is the cross section of departments involved, ensuring that, company-wide, everyone in Tandem is aware of the programme, receives updates regularly and is encouraged in their own personal career development.
Our CPD Committee consists of Tim Mulhall, Colm Burke, Julie O’Mahony, Eoin O’Brien, Daniel Foley, Ronan Duggan, Maurice Cunningham, Orla Daly, Lisa O’ Connor and Orla Houlihan.
Tandem celebrates their achievement in obtaining our CPD reaccreditation and remains committed to developing our CPD programme further.